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Be The Change Summit 2024: Where Fashion Meets the Future

We live in a world where fashion trends come and go faster than you can say “sustainability,” the Singapore Fashion Council (SFC) is here to prove that responsible fashion isn’t just a fleeting fad—it’s the future.

With their eyes set on making Singapore the epicentre of eco-friendly style, Singapore Fashion Council’s latest “Be the Change” Summit promises to turn the industry on its head. Ready to see how they’re stitching sustainability into every seam? Let’s dive in!

The Singapore Fashion Council—formerly known as the Textile and Fashion Federation (Singapore)—is not just the official association for the textile and fashion industry in Singapore; it’s the torchbearer for a transformative vision. With aspirations to become a Vibrant Asian Hub for Responsible Fashion, the Singapore Fashion Council is laser-focused on three key pillars: Sustainability, Innovation & Technology, and Asian Craftsmanship. By working closely with diverse partners across the value chain, they’re not only offering thought leadership but also providing the networks and resources needed to drive impactful change throughout the ecosystem.

This year, the Singapore Fashion Council is back at it again, aiming not just to make waves but to create a tsunami of change with the third edition of the “Be the Change” Summit, held on August 15, 2024. This isn’t just another industry gathering—it’s the place where innovation, culture, and sustainability converge to redefine the future of fashion. With the theme “Eternally Circular: Articulating with Asian Voices,” the summit makes it clear that the road to a sustainable fashion industry is paved with collaboration, education, and a touch of audacity.

A Meeting of Minds and Materials

“Be the Change” isn’t just another summit; it’s the thought leadership event of Singapore’s fashion scene. This isn’t about sipping coffee and nodding in agreement. It’s about sparking real conversations that lead to real actions. SFC understands that the challenges facing the fashion industry today aren’t the kind that one company, or even one country, can solve alone. We’re talking about a full-on collective effort here, where everyone from industry leaders to government agencies is rolling up their sleeves to shape a future where fashion is as sustainable as it is stylish.

The Road to Responsible Fashion

So, what’s on the agenda? Well, Singapore Fashion Council isn’t just paying lip service to the idea of sustainable fashion—they’re putting their money where their mouth is. One of their top priorities is raising consumer awareness. It’s about time we all knew what goes into our clothes and what that little tag really costs the planet. SFC is also calling on businesses, big and small, to step up their game. Yes, sustainable technology can be pricey, but SFC is here to make the transition a little less painful. After all, who said saving the planet would be easy?​

Educating the Next Generation of Fashion Leaders

SFC isn’t just looking at today’s problems—they’re investing in tomorrow’s solutions. At the summit, they announced a new Fashion Industry Scholarship supported by garment supplier Fu Yuan International. This isn’t your run-of-the-mill scholarship; it’s laser-focused on sustainability and circularity. And for those young talents who are ready to disrupt the industry, there’s the SFC Student Challenge Award, celebrating innovative ideas that put sustainable practices front and center.

SFC’s commitment to nurturing future leaders doesn’t stop there. Their 10th cohort recently graduated in May, and they’ve seen amazing case studies over the years from their past graduates. For example, the Singapore Fashion Council’s graduate Xinterra has gone on to develop their brand COzTERRA, which has created technology that enables textiles to remove CO2 from the air—a groundbreaking innovation that perfectly encapsulates the spirit of sustainable fashion. Plus, there’s a host of public awareness programs, including upcycling workshops that breathe new life into old campaign banners

Challenges on the Horizon

Of course, no grand vision is without its challenges. One of the big ones? Overcoming the misconception that local brands can’t compete on the global stage. But SFC is on a mission to build brand confidence—because let’s face it, once you’re confident enough to take that first leap in the fashion industry, the sky’s the limit. Another hurdle is the relatively nascent understanding of sustainable fashion in Singapore. But SFC is tackling this head-on with platforms like the Be the Change Summit and research initiatives like the Textile Recycling Study 2023.

The Shein Dilemma: A Controversial Collaboration

Now, let’s talk about the elephant in the room: SHEIN. Yes, the world’s leading ultra-fast fashion brand was part of the conversation, and yes, eyebrows were raised. SFC’s collaboration with SHEIN might seem like an odd couple pairing, but their approach is all about catalysing change from within. By leveraging SHEIN’s innovative e-commerce strategies, SFC hopes to boost the distribution of sustainable garments. The goal? To get more consumers thinking about the impact of their fashion choices, even when shopping with fast fashion giants. It’s a delicate dance, but SFC is committed to keeping sustainability in the spotlight, even if it means engaging with the industry’s most controversial players​

Looking Forward

As the summit wrapped up, one thing was clear: Singapore Fashion Council isn’t just talking about change—they’re willing to make it happen. With initiatives like The Bridge Fashion Innovator (TBFI) and the IMPACT Award, which honours regional leaders in fashion sustainability, SFC is positioning Singapore as a hub of responsible fashion. The future of fashion is sustainable, circular, and—if SFC has anything to do with it—boldly innovative. So, if you’re looking to see where the future of fashion is headed, keep your eyes on Singapore. Because at the Be the Change Summit, the future isn’t just discussed—it’s designed.

FEATURED IMAGE by Luis Quintero