In a world driven by consumerism, where the pursuit of material possessions often takes centre stage, adopting a minimalist lifestyle can be both a refreshing change and a pathway to…
Recently, owning your own line of beverages seems to be the new trend. From George Clooney’s Casamigos Tequila to YouTuber Emma Chamberlain’s Chamberlain Coffee, you have probably heard (or seen)…
Imagine starting a new year with a full bank account, only to find yourself broke and in debt by the end of July. That’s essentially what we’re doing to our…
Yup. The first half of the year is officially over. And as we dive into Plastic Free July, let's uncover the nitty-gritty of the plastic crisis plaguing our planet. Beyond…
What a week it has been! But Weekend 2 of The Conscious Festival x i Light Singapore is only just beginning. And this time our night marketplace has even more…
The reality of the climate crisis is undeniable, and its impact is here to stay unless we act swiftly. Restaurants and establishments of all kinds have recognised the urgency and…
Does each mouthful have an effect on our planet? Is there an urgent threat to human survival? Is the future dire? These are just some of the questions the award…
Greenwashing isn’t something that’s new. Nor is it just a buzzword. Chances are, you’ve fallen victim to it without even knowing. But don’t worry, it’s not your fault! In today's…
As January comes to a close and we gladly welcome February, many individuals who participated in Veganuary might be tempted to return to their previous dietary habits. However, the end…
Christmas Day is officially nearly here! While we’re most looking forward to spending time with friends and family, we’re also hoping to find a few sustainable, ethical gifts with our…