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50 Environmental Films, Books, Podcasts, TED Talks and IG Accounts You Need To Know About

Here are fifty films, movies, books, podcasts, TED speeches, Instagram accounts, and other media that can help you get a deeper knowledge of the climate problem while also providing you with some much-needed optimism and, at the same time, the reality of the climate crisis.

We hope that no matter where you are on your path to sustainability, you will find something here to motivate you to take the next step. Not everything on this list is going to be soothing to your senses. However, we need to wake up and start caring again because, as our friend Robert Swan once observed, “The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” Grab some popcorn and settle back for an introspective, guilt-free marathon of the best environmental resources that we could find.

Films & Documentaries

Before The Flood

The film, narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio, premiered at the 2016 Toronto International Film Festival. It chronicles a three-year trip that visits every continent and documents the terrible effects of climate change. The gravity of the climate catastrophe is wonderfully conveyed in this must-see film.

Ice On Fire

Here’s another film starring Leonardo DiCaprio (his last, we swear) on innovative approaches to resolving the environmental issue. The film captures the crisis via interviews with scientists and visionaries, providing optimism that climate change may be managed and global warming reversed.

The True Cost

Did you know that this documentary served as one of the biggest eye-openers for our founder, Stephanie, back in 2015? We think that that speaks for itself! The True Cost offers a heartbreaking look at the personal tragedies of the people who pay the ultimate price—their lives—to provide the wealthy West with cheap clothing.


What if the fashion industry had glass walls? What exactly will we discover? SLAY poses a critical question to everyone and the fashion industry itself: Is it okay to kill animals for fashion? This docu-film digs deep into ethics, sustainability, and animals in fashion, and it certainly gets under fashion’s skin. Directed by our very own Green Warrier, Rebecca Cappelli and Keegan Kuh, explore and expose how the fashion industry blatantly contributes to deforestation, animal cruelty, water contamination, modern-day slavery, and more. Slight warning, it might not be the easiest to watch.


From the producers of SLAY, here’s the sustainability secret: animal agriculture is the world’s leading cause of deforestation, water consumption, and pollution. Filmmaker Kip Anderson delves into the murky industry and investigates why the world’s leading environmental organisations are too scared to talk about it.

An Inconvenient Truth

This Oscar-winning documentary about former United States Vice President Al Gore’s campaign to educate people about global warming is well worth a watch. The public’s attention and the worldwide environmental movement’s momentum were both sparked by this film from 2006. It completely altered the playing pitch.

The Game Changers

The Game Changers is a revolutionary film about meat, protein, and strength. It will change the way you look at meat without being preachy. Starring Arnie, Jackie Chan, Lewis Hamilton, and more high-profile individuals who have thrived on a plant-based diet, it truly is a game-changing (see what we did there?) watch.


Be warned, this is another tough watch. This feature-length Australian documentary presents viewers with a damning exploration of the abuse of animals in the meat, dairy, egg, clothing, and entertainment industries. Uncomfortable but essential viewing

How to give up plastic: a guide to changing the world, one plastic bottle at a time, by Will McCallum

Have you ever wondered how to eliminate plastic from your life? Try your hand at this book. It’s a user-friendly tour of your house or workplace, pointing out all the single-use plastics you’ll find there. And it provides environmentally friendly options that might aid in the effort to reduce plastic use.

There is no Planet B: A handbook for the make or break years, by Mike Berners-Lee

This is a beautifully intelligent (and at times amusing) view on how everyone can begin taking action today toward a more sustainable way of life and is especially helpful for people who feel overwhelmed by the task. Issues like “should we be flying?” and “do I need to be vegan?” are addressed and explained in such an accessible way without sounding condescending or preachy.

The End Of Nature, by Bill McKibben

Popularly regarded as a seminal book in the field of environmental studies, McKibben urges a radical shift in how people see and interact with the natural world. It’s sometimes called the “handbook for survival” because of how thoroughly it addresses crucial problems including the greenhouse effect, acid rain, and ozone depletion.

Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous wisdom, scientific knowledge, and the teachings of plants, by Robin Wall Kimmerer

Both a scientist and an indigenous woman, Robin Wall Kimmerer uses this work to examine the intersection of her two worldviews, the rise of global ecological awareness, and the place of humanity in the natural order of things.

A terrible thing to waste: Environmental racism and its assault on the American mind, by Harriet Washington

Published in 2019, this book looks at the “devastating consequences of environmental racism and what we can do to remedy its toxic effects on marginalised communities.” Get ready to be angered by what you read, but also encouraged to contribute to a paradigm shift in the discussion.

The Overstory: A Novel, by Richard Powers

“The best novel ever written about trees, and really, just one of the best novels, period” – Ann Patchett. We’re sold. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction 2019, the tale of a group of strangers who are united for one last effort to restore the natural world after being called upon by it in various ways.

The Drowned World, by JG Ballard

This book, first published in 1962, imagines a future in which global warming has rendered most of the Earth uninhabitable. This horrifying (but, one can only hope, not prophetic) vision of London in the year 2145 gives us a glimpse at what the future may hold if we carry on with business as usual.

Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things by William McDonough & Michael Braungart

As much as 90 percent of the raw materials utilised in conventional production methods are discarded. This book questions the status quo of the “cradle to grave” production cycle and proposes an alternative future in which humans might make new things without compromising ecological balance.


Live Wide Awake

Our founder Steph’s podcast on all things sustainability, spirituality, climate change, and consciousness It brings you a dollop of empathy, engaging conversation, and a breakdown each week. After listening to this, you’ll know exactly that it’s time to live wide awake.

Our Future Nature

Let’s face it. There’s not a lot of podcasts that tackle sustainability or ESG in general. But this is where Our Future Nature comes in. Forget about dwelling on problems – Our Future Nature is all about shedding light on cool solutions for a greener planet. Join host the jack-of-all-trades Sean Lee-Davies, who’s not just an entrepreneur and conservationist but also a filmmaker and the big boss at GITNB. With a track record in making shows for big names like National Geographic and more, Sean’s got the skills. He’s interviewed big shots like Marc Jacobs and Leonardo DiCaprio – this podcast isn’t just educational, it’s a thrilling journey into the lives of the people making the world we dream of.

Intelligence Squared

Get up to speed and join a global conversation about the issues that really matter. Not all episodes are climate-related, but those that are are well worth a listen. Hear from the brightest minds as they delve into challenging climate issues and what we can do about them.

Conscious Chatter

We’re obsessed with this fashion-focused podcast. Each episode focuses on a different fashion-related theme, from how fashion can be more intersectional to vegan alternatives to leather. There are over 200 episodes waiting for you to dive into them.

The Sustainability Agenda

Come hang out with Fergal Byrne on The Sustainability Agenda podcast, where he brings together a fantastic group of sustainability pros and forward-thinkers to dive into the industry’s burning questions. The podcast is like a cool hangout for smart people to spill the beans on what’s cool (and not so cool) in the sustainability scene. On top of that, it dives into all sorts of eco-topics for those who are curious about saving the planet (something we all should be very curious about).

Green Dreamer

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with negative news about the climate crisis, tune in to the Green Dreamer to learn about empowering stories of restoration, regeneration, and resilience. It’s time to unlearn and reimagine what could be.

The Angry Clean Energy Guy

You’re missing out if you’ve never listened to Assaad Razzouk’s thoughts via podcasts. This sustainable energy entrepreneur, investor, and pundit has a refreshingly straightforward attitude, which we applaud. His podcasts cover a wide range of subjects but always centre on the things that make him upset (naturally). The topics covered are as varied as global warming, renewable energy (such as solar or wind), plastic pollution, wildlife extinction, and the state of the seas.

REV On Air

Ever checked out Rêve En Vert? It’s like an online paradise for all things chic and eco-friendly, stuff you’ll actually want or need. Some folks even dub it the “Net-a-Porter of sustainable fashion.” Now, here’s the cool part – they’ve got a podcast called “REV On Air.” If you’re into casual chats about sustainable fashion, natural beauty, wellness, organic food, politics, regenerative agriculture, and conservation, this podcast is your jam. Hosted by the effortlessly cool co-founder Cora Hilts, it’s like a laid-back hangout where guests spill the tea on breaking norms, pushing limits, and sparking a fresh mindset that totally vibes with the natural world. So, grab a seat and join the conversation!

SPECIAL MENTION TO: Sustainababble

Now, this popular podcast has since ended but it’s still absolutely worth listening to.This is a brilliantly funny and lighthearted approach to discussing serious issues surrounding climate change. Explaining the most complex environmental issues in simple terms, it’s the perfect podcast for those wanting to dip their toes into juicy topics without the doom-mongers.

TED Talks

Katharine Hayhoe: The most important thing you can do to fight climate change: talk about it

Engaging with someone who doesn’t believe in climate change goes beyond repeating familiar data and facts, according to climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe. In her uplifting and practical presentation, Hayhoe emphasises the importance of fostering genuine conversations by establishing connections through shared values such as family, community, and religion. This TED Talk took place five years ago, and since then, the discourse on climate change has undergone significant development. The central theme of the talk revolves around the ongoing discussion on climate change. As you delve into conversations about climate change with those around you, you’ll come to the realisation that everyone, in some way or another, is concerned about the changing climate—some may simply not be aware of it yet.

Greta Thunberg: The disarming case to act right now on climate change

We can’t think of many 16-year-olds who could stand up in front of the world and deliver a passionate call to action. But here’s Greta doing exactly that. You have probably already seen snippets of this, as when it first came out, everyone and their mothers were sharing it. Here she explains the beginnings of her school climate strikes outside the Swedish parliament that have led to her meteoric rise on the global climate stage. “The climate crisis has already been solved. “We already have all the facts and solutions,” Thunberg says. “All we have to do is wake up and change.”

Leyla Acaroglu: Paper beat plastic? How to rethink environmental folklore

Most of us want to do the right thing when it comes to the environment, but things aren’t necessarily that simple. Here, sustainability strategist Leyla Acaroglu issues a bold call for us to “let go of tightly held green myths and think bigger in order to create systems and products that ease strain on the planet.”

Chris McKnett: The investment logic for sustainability

Reasons why major institutional investors should consider a company’s ESG practises in addition to its financial statements.

Britt Wray: How climate change affects your mental health

“For all that’s ever been said about climate change, we haven’t heard nearly enough about the psychological impacts of living in a warming world.” Eco-anxiety is a reality, and Britt explores how climate change is threatening our wellbeing and what we can do about it.

Ray Anderson: The business logic of sustainability

Ray Anderson demonstrates the efficacy of eco-friendly business practises by detailing how he has improved sales and doubled earnings at his company.

Asmeret Asefaw Berhe: A climate change solution that’s right under our feet

“[Soil] represents the difference between life and lifelessness in the earth system, and it can also help us combat climate change — if we can only stop treating it like dirt.” Biogeochemist Asmeret Asefaw Berhe demonstrates the awesome ability of soil to trap carbon.

Per Espen Stokes: How to transform apocalypse fatigue into action on global warming

Learn about the five coping mechanisms you may be using to avoid facing the truth about the climate problem, as well as an alternative method of communication that might keep you from shutting down. Put aside the bad news and learn how to make protecting the environment a personal, powerful, and doable goal. 


Marie Kondo’s advice extends beyond decluttering physical possessions; it also applies to curating your online presence. Consider unfollowing individuals or accounts on Instagram that no longer bring joy to your life. To fill that void, explore this diverse collection of remarkable individuals accomplishing inspiring feats, and discover new sources of motivation.


Ajabarber: A powerful voice against fast-fashion who also delves into social justice and anti-racism issues.

Fash_rev: In response to the 2013 Rana Plaza tragedy, Carry Somers and Orsola de Castro established the Fashion Revolution. Through their efforts in research, teaching, and advocacy, they have evolved to become the greatest fashion activism movement on the planet, mobilising individuals, businesses, and legislators.

Thesustainablefashionforum: They are a cutting-edge media organisation and online hub for ethical fashionistas and sustainability champions all around the world. Facilitating conversations at the crossroads of fashion, sustainability, ethics, and business is central to their mission, since doing so has the potential to spark creative ideas and practical applications.


Plantbasednews: A leading multi-award winning vegan news media and plant-based health education platform.

Livekindly: Pro-animal, plant-based updates with recipes.

Anne-Marie Bonneau: The queen of the zero-waste kitchen.

Greenqueenhk: Green Queen, founded in Hong Kong in 2011 by serial social entrepreneur and eco activist Sonalie Figueiras, is an award-winning impact media platform that promotes positive social and environmental change. They’re also big on alternative proteins and anything plant-based!

Zero Waste

Thezerowasteguide: A daily guide to zero-waste living.

Zero.waste.collective: Inspiring you to waste less.

Bea Johnson: The mother of zero-waste living.

zeroxplastic: On a mission to end plastic pollution.

A little dash of all things sustainability In their own words, Earthrise “tell stories from the future that help us navigate the now.” 

Atmos: Atmos shares beautiful photographs, videos, and most importantly, stories that relate to climate and culture.

Ecoresolution: Environmental justice platform bridging individual action and systemic change for a world that thrives (pssst. Cara Delevigne is in on this collaboration).

Climatereality: Founded by Al Gore, this platform aims to bring the world together to stop climate change and create a healthy and prosperous future powered by clean energy.

Futureearth: Future Earth believes that research, innovation, and collaboration can transform the world toward sustainability. We couldn’t agree more!

Cool websites

The Sustainable Fashion Glossary

Condé Nast has partnered with Centre for Sustainable Fashion (CSF) to create The Sustainable Fashion Glossary; a reference tool to help editors, writers, designers, artists, innovators and educators (and anyone else who’s interested) to help share key issues regarding sustainability in fashion. Even for the layman it’s an interesting tool packed with interesting information.

MIT Climate Science, Risk, & Solutions

This is a comprehensive online tool from the brightest minds at MIT. Branding itself “climate knowledge for everyone”, this is a one-stop-shop for climate science, risks, and solutions. From dispelling myths to the latest climate tech solutions, you’ll find it all here. One to bookmark on your browser.

*Lead image by Harsha Poojari