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julian assange green is the new black

For The Sake of Global Press Freedom & Our Fundamental Rights, Free Julian Assange & All Political Prisoners

The United States fighting to persecute Julian Assange is a distraction from its war crimes exposed by WikiLeaks the same way the United States’ recent response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a distraction from its active participation in some of the world’s largest ongoing humanitarian crises (Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria). Julian Assange must be…

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eco anxiety at work

Tackling Eco-anxiety—what is it and how to talk about it to our friends and colleagues

No longer just relegated to far-flung tales of stranded polar bears and melting ice caps, we are starting to see the irreversible effects of climate change more clearly than ever. In addition, climate education, reporting and activism has been becoming more mainstream and continues to bring important global issues to the surface. Unsurprisingly, as our…

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peru oil spill green is the new black

Four Fresh Oil Spills in Peru, Ecuador, Thailand, Nigeria & We’re Barely 40 Days Into The Year

You've probably come across anxiety-inducing social media clips of locals scrambling to clean up the oil spills in their areas. Unfortunately (and predictably), there hasn't been enough news about this on mainstream media. How many more oil spills will it take for us to realise that we need to #KeepItInTheGround? Oil companies are brazenly committing…

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