10 Climate Conscious New Year Resolutions for 2020

That time when you start a new year filled with motivation and drive, only for it fizzle out within weeks once reality hits and life gets in the way. This year, step away from unrealistic short-term goals and start playing the long game.

We’re not quite sure how it’s 2020 already. But here we are. And we’re still banging on about #LittleGreenSteps to #LiveMoreConsciously. Before the craziness of the next decade takes a grip, we reckon it’s worth taking a minute to pause and reflect. Awareness of the climate crisis ratcheted up a notch in 2019, so whether you’re new to the game, or are already on a journey towards living more consciously, here are 10 easy to adopt, planet-friendly New Year resolutions.

1.  Break up with stuff

It’s time to re-evaluate your relationship with stuff. The less you have, the more you’ll realise you don’t need ‘things’ to be happy. Have a clear out, recycle what you don’t want or donate it to thrift stores, and start appreciating what matters. Decluttering will help clear your mind to live a conscious life that doesn’t revolve around things. Adopt this mindset, and you’ll also find yourself buying less too, meaning you’ll likely end up with extra dollar at the end of the year to boot.

2. Reduce food waste

An estimated 1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted each year globally. That’s a third of all food produced for human consumption. Yes. Really. It’s time we all started planning meals, shopping sensibly, and getting inventive in the kitchen with leftovers. Waste not, want not, and all that.

3. Bring your containers

One of the easiest ways to go green is to BYO! Essentials we can’t travel without include a water bottle, a collapsible coffee cup, and a takeout container and cutlery set. You’ll save a ton of single-use items from landfill, and it doesn’t get easier than shoving a few extra things in your bag each day.

4. Have fewer takeaways

Since we’re all going to be cooking gurus in 2020, it’s time to quash the overreliance on takeaways (and all of the single-use containers and plastic your meal comes in). Ditch Deliveroo and take a #LittleGreenStep by cutting back when you can. 

5. Say no to plastic bags

Singapore’s obsession with plastic bags in supermarkets continues (no, you don’t need a separate bag for every. Single. Item). Get yourself a PecoBag and take it everywhere, you’ll be amazed at how often it comes in handy. Or take inspiration from Thailand; following its recent plastic bag ban, shoppers have found a myriad of innovative ways to carry home their shopping.

6. Tackle your bathroom

Your bathroom is one of the easiest places to start taking those first steps on your sustainability journey. Start with the small things first; need a new toothbrush? Look to bamboo instead of a plastic brush. Replace your regular toothpaste with Noice (a sustainable and 100% natural alternative). Ditch your plastic cotton buds for bamboo ones. And next time you need to replace your skincare, take a look at LUSH and its range of NAKED products that come with zero-packaging. Or take a look at our directory that lists a ton of other clean, sustainable beauty brands.

7. Buy fewer clothes

Fashion is one of the most polluting industries in the world. If you have to buy new, green your wardrobe by shopping sustainable brands like these. Or don’t buy at all and explore renting instead (our favourites are Rentadella and Wardrobista), or give swapping a whirl, and check out second-hand sites like Style Tribute (and Retykle for kids!).

8. Become a plastic neutral citizen

The average person consumes 53kg of single-use plastic per year. Collectively, that’s 396 million metric tonnes of plastic consumed globally. Take the fight against single-use plastic a step further by taking The Plastic Collective’s pledge to offset your footprint. For $53, it will remove 53kg of plastic waste in your name, and help set up plastic recycling micro-enterprises in remote and vulnerable communities struggling with the plastic waste epidemic.

9. Go plant-based

Vegetarianism and veganism have become mainstream in recent years, but for many, it’s a big step to take. This year, why not try reducing your meat consumption by going meat-free on certain days of the week? Or start by cutting red meat from your diet (according to FAO, cattle are responsible for 9% of all human-induced greenhouse gas emissions). Or go completely cold turkey and embrace Veganuary. Top tip: download the nifty app, abillionveg to help find delicious plant-based dishes around the world.

10. Come to a Conscious Festival!

This year we’re hosting festivals in Hong Kong, Singapore and, for the first time, London! Immerse yourself in inspirational talks from thought leaders and game-changers, explore a marketplace filled with mindful brands, and enjoy a ton of conscious workshops that will leave you feeling inspired, motivated, and hopeful for the future.

Sally Shoult: