From Egg to Menopause: Self-Love, Fertility & Other Takeaways

Last Wednesday, two circles of women got together at the same time in two different cities and discussed issues that covered topics like fertility, menstrual pain, womb yoga, eco-feminism, menopause and connecting deeper within yourself while balancing life with society’s growing expectations of women. The vibe was empowering, the atmosphere powerful and the takeaways from ‘From Egg to Menopause’ at both Straits Clan in Singapore and Studio in Hong Kong were huge. In case you missed it, we’ve summed up a few of the key takeaways to help you take health back into your own hands.


Love your cycle, change the world

Dewi Chen, the founder of Terra Luna Yoga, shared with us how it’s important for women to love our cycle before changing the world. Showing us snippets about how the media portrays periods and women on periods, Dewi highlighted how women’s bodies and cycles have controlled women, often time leaving them feeling disempowered. Dewi reminded women that it’s time to reclaim their wild power and be more aware of their menstrual cycles.

Why? Because it’s a way of respecting ourselves again, creating a deeper, more conscious relationship with ourselves and our bodies. Not just that, it also helps end #periodshame and set up more positive relationships surrounding pregnancy, fertility, and menopause.


Embracing fertility

Lisa Levine, founder of Essential Self-Care, picked up on this and shared with us more about fertile living. She brought to our attention that there is too much fear around being fertile and getting pregnant. Indeed, we learned how not to get pregnant, instead of how to get pregnant. Even though what we want is to be leading fertile lives – not just making babies but also conceiving ideas, projects, businesses, and art.

Thus, Lisa says, we should embrace fertility and welcome it into our lives as a gift and as an opportunity. Fertility, after all, is a sign of optimal health.


Self-love in overcoming limiting beliefs

Sonia Samtani Hathiramani, the founder of All About You Wellness Centre, talked about how self-love contributes to our health, both physically and mentally. “Love is about acceptance, and acceptance is the absence of judgment,” she said an inspirational opening statement. She went to add that when we are connected to our bodies, some of our physical pain may, in fact, be cured. We as humans just need time and patience to reconnect with our mind and bodies, but once the bond is reestablished we will once again feel the love again in no time.



Conscious coupling and relationships

Valentina Tudose, sex and relationship coach as well as the founder of Happy Ever After, spoke about being conscious about when building relationships. “Intimacy depends on clarity,” she proclaimed. She reminded us in order to build a solid foundation for all of our relationships, we should always be honest not only to our partners but also to ourselves.


Conscious living to better reproductive health

Sarah Manning, yoga teacher and facilitator of Yoga Teacher Training, wrapped up the night with a discussion on the dreaded and much-feared menopause. Sarah reminded us that our lifestyles, jobs, and relationships all affect our thoughts, hormones, and ultimately, our reproductive health. In order to be in the pink of health, Sarah shared with us some simple tips.

Starting by honoring our needs, she reminded us to be open about how we feel and acknowledging our cycles. In our daily lives, we should be more conscious of our posture, of our movement, and our energies. Sarah stressed that starting every day with affirmations – something she learned from Louise Hay – will help us go about our lives with positivity and love both for ourselves and the world around us.


Here’s a round-up of our #LittleGreenSteps:

  1. Start tracking your cycle.
  2. Listen to your body, honour your needs and rest when you need to.
  3. Consider the holistic approach of The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy, Chinese medicine, and yin yoga to optimize your health.
  4. Consider the time of fertility a gift and an opportunity.
  5. Sit and stand with good posture to boost your qi and quality of breath.
  6. Move regularly to get blood and energy flowing through your pelvis.
  7. Start every day with five minutes of peace and an affirmation: “I rejoice in who I am. I am a beautiful expression of life, flowing perfectly at all times,” recommends Louise Hay


Image credits: Pexel

Tammy Gan: Tammy (she/her) is an activist-in-progress and digital creator and communicator, based in sunny, tropical Singapore. Her mission is three-fold: (1) to make climate justice activism and theory more accessible; (2) to create digital and physical community and learning spaces towards a more just, regenerative, and loving world within our current one; (3) and to mobilise the best parts of social media in service of all this.