The Conscious Scoop: The 5-Gallon Bucket Challenge & A Life in Plastic

Yes, there’s a new challenge in town and that’s the 5-Gallon Bucket Challenge. Unlike many of the new challenge fads that we’re seeing online, this one does quite a bit of good. Plus, a life in plastic? What do we mean? Read on, you’ll be surprised.

Check out 5 interesting news headlines about sustainability from around the world.

1. Longboards – everyone’s new ride or die 

“He was a skater boy, she said see you later boy.” Avril Lavigne paints the scene of our near future with those lyrics. With longboard skateboards becoming the new option for commuting, we’re gonna see skater boys, girls, doctors, artists, everything. Think about what this means, fewer traffic jams, less pollution plus it’s so much cheaper to skate. Get ready people, the skating revolution is coming in.

So grab those knee pads and that helmet, it’s time 


2. The 5-gallon bucket challenge

From the Ice Bucket Challenge to the #BeatPlasticPollution celebrity tag, to very recently, the In-My-Feelings challenge and now the Dele Alli challenge – which we still can’t get. This is one challenge that you need to get on. Leonard Bergeron started this challenge, asking people who spend their days outdoors to take a 5-gallon bucket along with them to clean up trash that they come across. You’re better off collecting trash than spend hours trying to do a reverse Batman hand mask on your face.

#5GallonBucketChallenge #CleanUpYourMess #DontBeLazy


3. We need to save the Earth. It’s the only place with chocolate


Inspired Sabrina Mustopo saw great potential in cocoa farming in reducing wasteful and inefficient modes of harvesting. She founded Krakakoa (what a fun name to say), a craft chocolate social venture that trains and equips Indonesian cocoa farmers with skills and resources to help them improve their livelihoods as well as protect the environment with sustainable farming methods.

Mmm, chocolate is even tastier than before.



4. Life in plastic, could it be fantastic? 

Sorry for the lack of a #triggerwarning. But we’re talking about recycled plastic. We know there’s a plastic problem, but did you know that people are turning this problem into fashion? We’re talking about products made so beautifully you don’t know that it’s made from the very plastic that could’ve choked an unsuspecting sea turtle. These brands are making big waves and changing the way we produce and also manage our plastics.

Check out these mega-cool products that you can’t even tell they’re made from recycled plastic


5. Your university degree might just save the world

Environmental problems are hella complex, and it takes years of education, habit-forming as well as research to get it right. While the fog is slowly being lifted out of our eyes and we are waking up to the reality of our impact, an urgent movement needs to begin. Education of the young and nurturing them is ideal, but maybe an academic background in the environmental sciences could truly drive global efforts to create a better future. These courses are popping up around the world, Singapore is no stranger.

An environmental science graduate could be the hero we never knew we needed.


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Qiyun Woo: An environmentalist, avid baker, and a dreamer with a goal to open the world of conscious living and responsible consumerism to Singaporeans and hopefully the rest of the world! She’s currently an undergraduate who’s hungry for an exciting adventure - or mostly just hungry. She hopes that by the time she graduates, she can help herself and her community leave green footsteps on this Earth we call home.