Save The Planet With A Bottle: Reduce Reuse Refill

An organic farm in Thailand is teaming up with ActiveSG to promote plastic bottle reuse in an effort to reduce plastic waste in Singapore.

In 2017, Singapore alone produced 763,400 tonnes of plastic (yes, really) and only 6% of plastic waste was recycled. It’s the largest category of trash disposed of in Singapore, and according to the National Environment Agency (NEA), over the last 15 years, plastic waste per capita has increased by nearly 20%. Yes, there are alternatives out there (like biodegradable, compostable, and bioplastics) but an ultimate solution is still elusive. The main factor that contributes to plastic waste is the fact that people have failed to adopt reusable plastic packaging and containers. So what can be done about it? This organisation is launching a campaign to fight the fight against single-use plastic 

Save the Planet with a Bottle: Reduce Reuse Refill

Say hello to Happy Earth Farm, a small organic farm in Thailand that produces and sells 100% natural body care products. It’s collaborating with ActiveSG in its Save the Planet with a Bottle: Reduce Reuse Refill campaign. From October 18th to 31st 2019, ActiveSG Sengkang Sports Centre will be taken over to promote plastic bottle reuse and refill in the hope of fighting the plastic waste problem in Singapore. 

“The world already has enough plastic packaging without us creating more,” said Mon, Marketing Manager at Happy Earth. To abandon plastic packaging in Singapore, the company collaborated with different organisations on the Reduce Reuse Refill campaign, which aims to encourage people to reuse plastic packaging in Singapore. The goal is to reduce the production of new plastic containers. In turn, this will reduce the amount of plastic waste and reduce pollution and resource costs associated with producing and moving packaging. Soon, Happy Earth intends to stop using any plastic packaging at all and only sell refills or closed-loop packaging in Singapore.

Tell me more…

Dig out any HDPE bottles and bring them to Sengkang Sports Centre. The collected bottles will be cleaned and reused as refill containers at Happy Earth’s upcoming events, including our very own Conscious Festival powered by Holland & Barrett. Although the company has already launched the campaign with The Social Space in September, they are rerunning the same program with ActiveSG this month. This time, it plans to engage Singaporeans on a deeper level. Besides collecting used HDPE bottles or running an Eat Your Wash contest, it hopes to start a conversation with Singaporeans on the plastic problem. Also, ActiveSG sees this as an opportunity to offer a more holistic approach to health, not just through sports and activities, but also a conscious and mindful lifestyle. 

In return for the donated plastic bottles, Happy Earth will give away free product tester refills to anyone who brings in at least three used HDPE bottles. The products, including No-Poo Head to Toe Wash, Mung Bean Body Scrub and Jasmine Rice Face Mask, are made from natural ingredients and are 100% biodegradable (and even edible!). Bring in the bottles to support the company’s plastic-free journey, and you will get pampered from its natural goodies. Snap up some Happy Earth products while you’re at it as every Active Wallet purchase of $10 will entitle you to $1 of Active SG credit.

Interested in joining the campaign? Find out more here. And if you can’t make it to the booths at Sengkang Sports Centre, bring in your bottles to its booth at The Conscious Festival!

About Happy Earth Farm:

Happy Earth is a small, certified organic farm in Thailand that believes humans are inseparable from Mother Earth. All of its products are made the traditional way, using only fruits, leaves, and seeds from plants grown on the farms within their farming community. The products are 100% natural, chemical-free and biodegradable. They are meant to be genuinely good for human beings, animals and the environment.


Sally Shoult: