Creating Positive Change During Coronavirus Through Tree Planting

The spread of COVID-19 and the havoc it has wreaked across the planet has proven just how fragile our global systems are. In the face of these challenges, it’s understandable that many feel helpless. We recently shared how the destruction of our environment is responsible for pandemics. So here’s how planting trees can guide us through the current crisis, by helping solve the next one (by that we mean the climate crisis, obvs).

“The 21 March was International Day of the Forests, a United Nations observance day dedicated to celebrating and raising awareness of the importance of all types of forests. A forest is a mini version of the world, with its inhabitants living respectfully next to each other. Hopefully, we can make the world like a forest again as well — and that can happen by planting trees.” — EcoMatcher

COVID-19 is ravaging the world with no community immune to the effects of the virus. It should not, however, come as a surprise. It feels as though our planet has needed a wake-up call for some time, and we’re left wondering if this is it. If there is a silver lining to this situation, it’s that people are experiencing an awakening and learning how to live their lives a little differently — change is on the horizon. And we don’t need to wait for the lockdown to be lifted to action that change, we can do it from our sofas by planning our next sustainability initiative.

Making a positive impact during the coronavirus

It’s unfortunate that we needed the coronavirus to serve as a wake-up call. Still, the situation is seeing the global community come together in a collective effort to make the world a better place. Whether that’s by helping at the front lines, helping within your community or helping the planet, it’s all connected. Our connection to the planet relies on us learning how to coexist with the things around us without destroying them. And a healthier planet equals healthier communities. While the threat posed by the coronavirus will eventually diminish, climate change will not. So what if we’re stuck at home but still want to do something positive?

Keep calm and plant trees

Planting trees is still one of the most effective and cheapest ways to fight the climate crisis. And even during these strange times, re-forestation is still happening at EcoMatcher’s tree planting partner sites in various parts of the world (where and when possible). Great care is being taken to ensure the health and safety of everyone involved. Even in communities where tree planting has been halted as a result of the risk factor stemming from the COVID-19, as soon as it’s safe to do so, efforts will resume. We may be stuck at home, we may feel helpless when it comes to fighting COVID-19, but we can still take positive action for the planet by planting trees for the future.

Tree planting is more important than ever before

Through tree planting, the livelihoods of farmers all over the world are also improved. But with budgets across several industries being slashed, funds for social and environmental initiatives like tree planting have been the first to go. Continuing to support tree planting will help these communities stay afloat during and after the COVID-19 crisis.

Where to start

Proper tree planting is hard; you need to plant the right tree in the right place at the right time. Foundations specialised in tree planting have this knowledge and EcoMatcher, a certified B corporation, is whom we at Green Is The New Black have been working with for our offsetting. EcoMatcher only plants trees with foundations that they vet, so we were left assured that we’re supporting smallholder farmers.

How does Ecomatcher work?

Step 1: Tree Planting — EcoMatcher’s tree partners from around the world plant the trees.

Step 2: Record/ TreeCorder — Every tree is captured with EcoMatcher’s technology (TreeCorder).

Step 3: Check/Inspect — Every tree is checked before it’s moved to the Tree Shop.

Step 4: Tree Shop — Trees from around the world can be purchased in the Tree Shop.

Step 5: View / Gift / Tree Manager — Trees can be views and gifted in many ways with the TreeManager.

Step 6: Track Tree / TreeTracker — Trees can be tracked with TreeTracker both on web and the iOS/Android App.

Yep, they’re transparent

There are no secrets here. Unfortunately, often people don’t see where their money goes with tree planting, and the industry isn’t entirely transparent due to a lack of technologies. With EcoMatcher, you will know everything about every tree planted. You can virtually travel to and see a unique picture of every tree, including its precise location, the species, the carbon sequestration, and a picture of the farmer who is taking care of it. You can even chat with your chat-bot powered tree! How cool is that?

Rally your office to participate, too

EcoMatcher already works with companies like Mandarin Oriental, BNP Paribas, Rabobank, Hallmark and SWIRE planting trees and complete forests, and who offer “trees” as rewards, as meaningful corporate gifts and as part of broader employee engagement initiatives. These companies also offer “trees” to their customers as a form of transparent carbon offsetting. 

At times like this, when working from home is the new norm, and it’s easier for individuals to feel disconnected from colleagues, focusing on something unifying and positive can only be a good thing. Tackling climate change is a collective effort, why not rally your office to implement tree planting as a business solution?

EcoMatcher launching the #ForestsClub at Earth Day 2020

This year, on Wednesday, the 22nd of April, we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. There has never been a better day to give back to the planet and start planting trees. EcoMatcher is launching the #ForestsClub, a global initiative to plant more trees and more forests and build a like-minded community. By becoming a free member of the #ForestsClub, people can not only plant and track their trees but also will be able to see the trees of all other #ForestsClub members through EcoMatcher’s digital platform. All members can chat with each other through a group chatbox called the ForestForum. Last but not least, EcoMatcher will plant a new tree for every five trees bought. And every tree planted by EcoMatcher can be tracked by all #ForestsClub members.

This article is brought to you in collaboration with Ecomatcher. For more info email bas@ecomatcher.com.
Olivia Wycech: Olivia is a bon vivant with an insatiable appetite for...everything. Upon being horrified at the amount of rubbish she produced in a single day, her journey towards finding a better balance between being extravagant yet sustainable began. Like most obsessions, down the rabbit hole she went and it wasn’t long before she decided to shift her sustainable preachings from Friday nights after too much wine to every day at Green Is The New Black. Olivia is still trying to figure all this ‘the end of the world’ stuff out, so she is keepin’ it real, one super small #LittleGreenStep at a time. Be like Olivia.