Join Us for Four Talk Tracks at the Conscious Festival 2024!

Get ready for The Conscious Festival’s Talks, featuring FOUR tracks covering a range of topics from AI to soil. Mark your calendars for June 1-2 and 8-9, 2024, and join us to hear from inspiring change-makers!

Expand your understanding of the world and your place within it by engaging with renowned local and international speakers, thought leaders, and visionaries as they share their collectively amassed wisdom and insights on the challenges faced and the determination required to move towards a more equitable future.  

Join us as we explore AI’s impact on our world, the potential of a conscious fashion industry and its role in an equitable future, how grassroots efforts can redefine global citizenship, and what a regenerative future inspired by nature’s wisdom could look like. 

Check out the programme highlights below!

🎟️ Tickets | S$25 per tracks

Get tickets for The Conscious Festival Talks here.


Track 1: The Brain of Consciousness and AI

Date: Saturday, 1 June 2024 

Time: 1:30-5:30 PM 

Location: Arcc Spaces, One Marina Boulevard

From unravelling the enigma of consciousness to pondering AI’s potential to either save or sabotage our world, brace yourself for a thrilling journey into the intricate web connecting technology, human awareness, and our planet’s well-being.

> TALK: Health – An Inside Out Job

Speaker: Cath Worthington, Co-Founder & CEO of Hiro Drinks

Explore how conscious lifestyle choices, mindful practices, and sustainable habits contribute to overall health and vitality.

> TALK: The Hidden Key To Sustainable And Desirable Futures – Consciousness

Speaker: Benjamin Casteillo, Founder & Executive Director of New World Together

Delve into the exploration of consciousness as a driving force behind meaningful change, examining its profound impact on environmental stewardship, social equity, and collective well-being.

> DEBATE: Cyborgs, Capitalism, and Catastrophe: Will AI save or destroy the world?

We have four debaters who will battle it out while exploring themes of cyborgs, capitalism and catastrophe. Hear from Kay Vasey – Founder of MeshMinds, Miriam Feiler – Founder of Max Volume, Payal Shah – Founder of L’ Dezen and Tech Entrepreneur, Arun Poojari – Venture Partner at FutureLabs Ventures, and Sabrina Villard – Founder of V-Healing.  

> TALK: Embodied Wisdom Amidst Climate Collapse

Speaker: Chloe Calderon Chotrani – Founder, Therapist & Educator, Body as Earth

Explore how cultivating awareness of our bodies can deepen our understanding of ecological crises, offering pathways for resilience, adaptation, and meaningful action in the face of climate collapse.

Track 2: Fashion Beyond The Trend – In Partnership With VOGUE Singapore

Date: Sunday, 2 June 2024 

Time: 1:30-5:30 PM 

Location: Arcc Spaces, One Marina Boulevard

Could a conscious fashion industry exist? Let’s explore the shift from linearity to circularity and challenge consumerism, climate colonialism and envision a more sustainable and equitable industry.

> FIRESIDE CHAT: Weaving Climate, Craft & Culture

Speaker: Aditi Mayer, Visual Storyteller & Sustainability Activist

Delve into the intricate connections between climate change, traditional crafts, and cultural heritage as we explore how these elements intertwine and shape our world. Discover how embracing sustainable practices in craftsmanship can not only preserve cultural traditions but also contribute to a more resilient future for our planet.

> TALK: Fashion, Folklore And The Future

Speaker: Mukul Bhatia, Award-Winning Photographer and Brand Consultant

Explore how traditional stories and cultural heritage intertwine with modern sustainability practices to shape the future of the fashion industry. Delve into the innovative approaches and transformative initiatives driving circularity and sustainability in fashion, offering insights into how we can weave a more conscious and regenerative narrative into our clothing choices.

> TALK: How I F*cked It Up , And Recovered

Speaker: Anaïs Dautais Warmel, Founder Of Les Récupérables By AnaïsDW 

From initial setbacks to navigating unexpected challenges, discovering the valuable lessons learned, innovative solutions implemented, and the journey towards creating impactful and resilient enterprises that prioritise both profit and planet.

> PANEL: From Linearity to Circularity – Narrative Shifts

For an equitable industry, we need to shift from linearity to circularity. To help us navigate this, we have a panel with Susannah Jaffer – Founder of Zerrin, Raena Lim – Co-Fodner at Style Theory, Devin Gilmartin – CEO at The Canvas Global Inc, Jian Yang – Owner of Asia’s largest Barbie doll collection, and Mahima Gujral – Founder of SUI. 

> FIRESIDE CHAT: The World Is On Fire But We’re Still Buying Shoes

Speaker: Alec Leach, Author of The World Is On Fire But We’re Still Buying Shoes

In this candid conversation, we’ll delve into the psychology behind our consumption patterns, the impact of consumerism on the environment and society, and discuss potential pathways towards more mindful and sustainable consumer choices.

Track 3: Citizen Revolution

Date: Saturday, 8 June 2024 

Time: 1:30-5:30 PM 

Location: NTUC Centre, One Marina Boulevard

Can grassroots efforts like citizen science combat apathy? Join us as we redefine what it means to be a global citizen, forging a path towards a more sustainable and interconnected future.

> TALK: Speaking To The Hearts and Minds

Speaker: Leila Subler, Youth Advocate

Dive into the empowering role of young voices in advocating for environmental causes. This talk explores how youth activists engage with diverse audiences, leveraging both emotion and evidence to inspire action and drive meaningful change. From grassroots initiatives to global campaigns, discover how today’s youth are leading the charge towards a more sustainable and equitable future for all.

> TALK: The Ripple Effect – From Inaction To Impact

Speaker: Alya Annabi, Founder of GreenPush

Explore how seemingly small actions can catalyse larger movements, inspiring audiences to overcome inertia and make meaningful contributions towards positive social and environmental impact.

> TALK: Climate Doom Is Out. “Apocalyptic Optimism” Is In

Speaker: Dr. Meri Rosich, CEO of Oceonomy, former CDO/CIO & Professor of Data/AI

Departing from the traditional doom-and-gloom perspective, explore the concept of “apocalyptic optimism” and its implications for driving positive change in the face of environmental challenges. 

> PANEL: Radical Collaboration – Why Its Needed To Transform The Energy Sector

Explore the critical role of innovative partnerships in driving the energy transition with Paula Miquelis – Co-Founder of Green Is The New Black, Brice Degeyter – Founder & General Manager of Bizsu, Kitty Bu – Asia VP at Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP), and Milag San Jose-Ballesteros – Global South Diversity Lead, Regional Director for East, Southeast Asia and Oceania & C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, 

> TALK: Organising A Climate Movement For The Many

Speaker: Kristian-Marc James Paul, Activist at SG Climate Rally 

Address strategies for mobilising grassroots activism, fostering collaboration across different sectors, and ensuring that climate action is accessible to all.

> TALK: Writing For The Planet

Speaker: Dr George Jacobs, Vice-President at Kampung Senang Charity and Education Foundation and  Marla Lise, Managing Director at The English Curve

Delve into how writers can inspire action and awareness through their words, discussing techniques for crafting impactful narratives that highlight environmental issues, advocate for sustainability, and motivate readers to engage in conscious practices.

> TALK: The Strength And Imperative Of The Collective

Speaker: Anne Langourieux, Co-founder & Leader, The Matcha Initiative (Singapore Global Network)

Explore how communities, organisations, and movements can achieve transformative change through collaboration and unity.

Track 4: What If The Future Was Regenerative?

Date: Sunday, 9 June 2024 

Time: 1:30-5:30 PM 

Location: NTUC Centre, One Marina Boulevard

Can grassroots efforts like citizen science combat apathy? Join us as we redefine what it means to be a global citizen, forging a path towards a more sustainable and interconnected future.

> TALK: Designing Regenerative Futures: The Challenges And Pressures On Nature’s Ecosystems

Speaker: Natalie Seisser, Biodiversity Collage SG Community Lead & Founder of anewkind.studio and Gretel Seet Jia Xuan, Global Youth Biodiversity Network Coordinator

Explore innovative approaches to creating sustainable and regenerative environments and address the critical challenges our ecosystems face, such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and resource depletion.

> PANEL: Is a closed loop food system possible?

Explore the feasibility and benefits of creating a sustainable food system where waste is minimised, and resources are continuously reused with Vijay Mudaliar – Co-Owner of Native and Analogue Initiative, Nithiya Laila – Culinary Anthropologist & Founder of SG Seedxchange, Matthew Howe – Founder of Grobrix, and Mirte Gosker – Managing Director at The Good Food Institute Asia Pacific

> TALK: The Unseen Connections Between Nature And Humanity

Speaker: Joey Dean, Founder of Natural Symphony

Delve into the profound ways in which nature influences our health, culture, and economy, and discover how our actions, in turn, impact the environment.

> TALK: What Can We Learn From Nature? Biomimicry 101 Nature: The Teacher That Gives Everything And Takes Nothing

Speaker: Anuj Jain, Director and Principal Ecologist at Biosea.sg

Learn how emulating nature’s time-tested patterns and strategies can lead to sustainable technologies and practices that give back to the environment rather than deplete it.

> PANEL: Into the Soil: Regeneration, Rebirth and Renewal

Explore innovative practices in soil regeneration, the science behind soil fertility, and the vital connections between healthy soil, food security, and climate resilience with Ethel Pang – Writer, Researcher & Educational Facilitator, Vivian Lee – Vision Guide & Culture Shaper at Living Soil Asia, and Ng Sze Kiat – Founder of Bewilder


The festival is almost zero-waste, plant-based, carbon-negative, and has a little something for everyone. Conscious living is an inside-out job. We invite you to join us on this journey of self and planetary discovery to celebrate what already exists, expand what’s possible, and leave with a renewed sense of purpose and hope for our future, now.


In alignment with our dedication to mindful decision-making, we kindly ask for your understanding that we are unable to process cancellations, refunds, or changes to bookings. Thank you for your understanding  and support in upholding our values.

Advisory to buyers:
– Before purchasing tickets, we kindly ask that you take a moment to carefully read and understand all the rules, regulations, and terms and conditions applicable to the festival. Your purchase of a ticket indicates your agreement to comply with these guidelines in a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation.

– Rest assured, all personal information you provide when purchasing festival tickets will be held securely by the festival organiser.

Questions? Drop us a line at concierge@theconsciousfestival.com