Building THE Global Wellness News Platform – Interview with Lauren Armes Founder of Welltodo

How do you take a passion and turn it into a full-fledged business and career? We spoke to Lauren Armes, an entrepreneur, success coach and the founder of global wellness platform Welltodo, on how she build THE global wellness news platform, embracing pivots and normalising fear.

With the wellness industry said to be worth over $3.72 trillion, 5% of all global economic output, this year is set to be the biggest year for wellness yet. Leading the conversation is Welltodo, which started out as a passion project by Lauren Armes in 2014. From humble beginnings, fast forward a few years and Welltodo now a profitable 6-figure business and the leading platform for the business of wellness with the latest global news. As any entrepreneur Lauren has faced fears, doubts and limiting beliefs but pushed through going from strength to strength.

“My passion was at the intersection of entrepreneurship and wellness. And I thought, I want to know about the business of wellness, I want to understand how these really cool brands have done what they’ve done, created such impact, and are driving global interest in wellness.” – Lauren Armes

In this interview we speak to Lauren about:

  • Turning passion into a business
  • What’s trending in wellness
  • How to embrace pivots
  • Handling fear

Here are a few of our favourite wedges of wisdom from Lauren.

What’s trending in wellness?
Sustainability – Looking beyond just personal wellbeing, conscious consumers care more than just how good they feel, it’s also about the collective and the planet. Wellness brands have to ‘practice what they preach’ and need to be more transparent and mindful of their products, packaging, and impact.

The globalisation of wellness – no longer do we only look to New York and London to lead the charge, the booming business of wellness is trending from cities all around the world. With social media, e-commerce, and ability to reach all corners, it is easier than ever to reach consumers.

Technology and wellness – everything is measurable now, we know exactly how we’ve slept, how effective our workouts have been – more and more technology will play into the decisions on how we feel and how we can better look after ourselves.
Read more in Welltodo’s Trend Report

How do you deal with fear? By normalising it! 
It is normal to be fearful especially as a beginner but don’t get too caught up on what the bigger picture looks like. It’s easy to think about and get overwhelmed with how you are going to deal with step 25 but all you really know how to do right now is step 1. So start there. Taking little steps allows you to move forward to progress to that end goal.

Take action today, try out Lauren’s #LittleGreenSteps: 

  1. Practice meditation to be more mindful of decision making and more present in those little steps.
  2. Read The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson that you can have a slight edge in life if you look at a big goal in small steps that you have to take each day.
  3. Normalise your fear!

Join the next Welltodo event in Singapore! 
For all our Singapore friends – Welltodo is coming to you Thursday 6th of June with their Founder Series. Enjoy sharings from 3 experienced wellness entrepreneurs on their journies in starting their own business, challenges faced, lessons learned and what’s next in wellness. Use the code ASIA0618-GITNB for 10% off tickets here.

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Stephanie Dickson: Stephanie is the founder of Green Is The New Black. She is a marketer, event organiser and avid connector of conscious individuals and brands. She loves bringing people together to connect, find inspiration, gain knowledge and be able to take action to create a better life.
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