Here’s How You Can Fight Climate Change Based on Astrology

Horoscopes. What can we say? It definitely garners a lot of attention and opinion. Whether you’re a fervent believer or a zealous denier, one thing is certain: you have one. While there’s no direct relation to the environment or climate (that we know of so far), we thought it would be a fun and interesting way to figure out what we can do in the fight against climate change based on our star signs.

Astrology is all the rage right now. Even if you don’t follow it, you have definitely seen multiple posts about it on any form of social media. Or even without social media, there are probably still horoscope sections in your local newspapers. Either way, you’ve heard of it. And if you haven’t and would like to know yours, don’t worry; we’ve got you.

There are multiple free sites online for you to find out what your astrological sign is like astro-charts and Astro Seek. Bonus point is that they even show you your entire chart, meaning “advanced” stuff like your moon sign or rising sign, which is dependent on your birth time and location. They’re also great tools if you’re thinking of picking up astrology or just reading your daily horoscope.

On the other hand, there has been a lot of buzz about how 2023 will be the year of climate-related career opportunities. While we believe that everyone should follow their own intuition and personal choice when it comes to making decisions about their professional lives, we thought it would be fun and lighthearted to provide some ideas for how individuals might help in the fight against climate change based on their zodiac sign.

ARIES (around March 21 – April 19 annually): Climate Change Activist or Advocate

Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is known for being natural-born leaders with killer instincts and a strong passion for what they care about. So why not be an activist? You don’t have to be the next Greta Thunberg or Al Gore; all it takes to be an activist is to be who you are and fight for and be vocal about the change you want to see in the world that you live in. In this case, you could advocate for the phasing out of fossil fuels or a rewilding campaign in your city. You can always start small, even if it’s just reposting stuff on your Instagram stories. Or if you feel that you need something that’s more community-based, why not join a non-profit organisation (i.e. WWF or 350) of your choice and see how you can help out? Remember, as a Ram and ruled by Mars, you’re headstrong and confident about the decisions you make; don’t let anyone tell you that you’re not doing enough.

TAURUS (around April 20 – May 20 annually): Consider the option of working from home if you’re able to, if not carpool or take the public transportation to work!

Ruled by beautiful Venus,  it’s no secret that the Taurus people in your life love being surrounded by comfort and peace. We know it’s not exactly possible for everyone, let alone all Tauruses, but if it is, why not consider the option of working from home? Why not cycle, walk, or take the bus, train, or tram to work or school in cities that are more pedestrian friendly and have reliable public transportation? And if not, and you know people who are generous enough and go the same direction as you to your workplace, why not consider carpooling? You all can always take turns during the week! Cars are not the most environmentally friendly. Did you know that 80 to 90 percent of a car’s environmental impact is due to its fuel consumption and emissions of air pollution and greenhouse gases? 

GEMINI (around May 21 – June 20 annually): Enrol in a climate/environmental online class

Geminis are naturally intellectually curious and great conversationalists. Ruled by the planet of communication, Mercury, in astrology, they always want to be in the know. What could be better than enrolling in free environmental sciences courses online? Platforms such as Coursera, edX, and SkillShare offer hundreds of courses, from Introduction to Sustainability to even more niche stuff like Introduction to Environmental Law and Policy. If you have the time, these are great resources to utilise to educate yourself more about the environment and climate in whichever area you want.

CANCER (around June 21 – July 22 annually): Meat free once a week or go vegetarian or vegan

I’m sure you’ve all heard that the industrial meat system requires a huge amount of land to sustain itself. It causes deforestation and forest fires, to name a few of its environmental impacts. On the other hand, Cancers are known to be one of the most emotionally attuned signs of the zodiac. Some believe that as they’re ruled by the Moon (which astrologically represents our emotions), they’re also attuned to and connected with animals. So if you’re someone who is concerned about this and is trying to find ways to limit your meat intake but personally feels that charcuterie boards are life, instead of going full-on vegan or vegetarian immediately, how about trying meat-free Fridays first?

LEO (around July 23 – August 22 annually): Adopting a zero-waste lifestyle or buying in bulk

King of the jungle, Leos, maybe it’s time for you to rule the supermarkets. Or trying out a more low-key approach by adopting a zero-waste lifestyle. Either way, Leos, you’ll have your main-character moment with these options. If you feel that going zero-waste might be too much for you at the moment, or that the city you live in makes it difficult to adapt to that lifestyle, don’t worry; there’s still something you can do. When shopping, consider buying in bulk to reduce plastic waste and reduce transportation pollution, to name a few advantages. 

VIRGO (around August 23 – September 22 annually): It’s time to get creative with the DIYs

If there’s a sign that people often have one stereotype about, it’s Virgos and their OCD tendencies. The truth is, they’re not as uptight as you think they are; they just know exactly what they want and are beyond resourceful. In the spirit of things, have you Virgos ever considered doing DIYs? This can range from composting to making your own scented candles!

LIBRA (around September 22 – October 23 annually): Going slow… for fashion

Another sign ruled by fashionable Venus in astrology, it’s only right that for Libras, your first order of things is to ditch fast fashion and opt for the equally trendy slow fashion brands. Did you know that, although utilising just 3% of the world’s arable land, cotton farming produces 24% of the insecticides and 11% of the pesticides used globally? The fashion sector also contributes 10% of the world’s carbon emissions. It’s time we all shift away from fast fashion brands to conscious and sustainable lines such as Patagonia.

SCORPIO (around October 23 – November 21 annually): Reuse, Repurpose, Upcycle

It’s also no secret that Scorpios are one of the first zodiac signs to see the beauty and potential in something mundane. Scorpios, after all, are ruled by Pluto in modern astrology and thus represent death and rebirth. What better way to channel that Plutonian energy than by upcycling? Old peanut butter jar? Nope, it’s a pen holder now. Old jeans from your coloured skinny jeans phase from 2008? Nope, it’s a makeup pouch now. The possibilities are endless when it comes to upcycling, and all you need is a little bit of time and creativity. This also helps reduce what items go into landfills and minimises the use of natural resources!

SAGITTARIUS (around November 22 – December 21 annually): Plant a tree

Ruled by expansive Jupiter in astrology, Sagittarius is all about travel and the higher self. They feel most themselves when they’re connected with nature and the environment. What better way to honour that than by planting trees? According to One Tree Planted, more than 80% of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity finds refuge in trees, which also help clean the air we breathe and filter the water we drink. In addition, forests provide over 1.6 billion jobs to people, absorb dangerous carbon from the atmosphere, and are a vital component of 25% of all medications.

CAPRICORN (around December 22 – January 19 annually): Sustainable workplace

Capricorns are most definitely known for their unparalleled work ethic and strong values. Ruled by traditional Saturn in astrology, you’ll never meet a group of people more earnest about their jobs. So why not make your workplace a little more sustainable? If you work from home and have a home printer you rarely use, why not sell it and go to printing shops when you most need it? Or set up a composting station in the break room? While it’s not entirely net-zero, you might consider opting to digitise as much as possible instead of using paper. The possibilities are endless!

AQUARIUS (around January 20 – February 18 annually): Go environmentally friendly. Online.

In modern astrology, Aquarius is ruled by the shocking Uranus, which rules over technology and innovation. And let’s be honest, we’re all almost chronically online whether we like it or not, and the truth of the matter is that while we’re not wasting paper, according to the Green Journal, currently, the internet accounts for 6-10% of the world’s energy consumption, which contributes to 4% of our greenhouse gas emissions. But what can we do about this? For starters, we can reduce video resolutions to 1080p when watching on small screens, delete old memories from the cloud, reconsider your online shopping habits, and even refrain from purchasing the latest iPhone!

PISCES (around February 19 – March 20 annually): Pay closer attention to how your seafood is sourced.

We know this is a bit on the nose, considering the Pisces is represented as the fishes in astrology. But hear us out, wild-caught and farmed seafood is a major source of animal protein for more than 3 billion people worldwide. One way to start when trying to find seafood that is ocean-friendly is by reading the labelling on packages, in supermarkets, and on restaurant menus. However, not all sustainability promises are created equal, so use caution. The Marine Conservation Society (MCS), a UK-based nonprofit organisation, created the Good Fish Guide to help consumers navigate this incredibly broad range of seafood in order to make it less stressful.

IMAGE: via Pexela | IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Person Wearing Silver Ring Holding White Ceramic Bowl

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