Cristina McLauchlan | Founder, The Vibe Tribe

Cristina McLauchlan Founder of The Vibe Tribe

Global Citizen, Earth Warrior, Human Do-ing

For Conscious Public Relations and founding Conscious Cinema in Hong Kong

With a passion for storytelling and co-creating, Cristina has merged 20 years of hospitality, brand and event management with holistic business and lifestyle design, aligning her values with ethical brands and individuals. She is an expert at crafting strategic brand story telling, sales and marketing scope and elevating social media platform performance. The Vibe Tribe consults purposeful businesses with earth friendly brand and communication strategy. Supporting the shift to brand your vibe with conscious intent. She believes that one should nourish and balance by getting to know their brand from the inside out.

Website | @_thevibetribe_

Padmini Anbalagan: A little sparrow who is convinced that every tiny step you take is capable of creating a big, massive change. She's "Teacher Mini" to those who know her best and simply crazy to everyone else; Her life goals include planting an oak tree and driving a cement truck, and she hopes that one day, people will believe her when she says that you can see stars hanging out in Singapore's skies.