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instagram social media censorship green is the new black
Social Media Censorship: When Private Companies Get Away With Violently Policing Our Communities
In the past year, private social media companies like Instagram and Twitter have been consistently censoring and suppressing accounts talking about sustainability, Palestine, climate justice— anything anti-capitalist. How is Meta allowed to unilaterally invibilise discourses? And how can we collectively hold tech companies accountable in more structured ways? Suppressing Palestinian Voices In 1984, Palestinian American…
OPINION: How do we move past finger pointing and purity politics hindering social and environmental movements?
"You can't call yourself an environmentalist if you eat meat." Sound familiar? Virtually every social media post about climate change will have countless calls to "just go vegan!" in the comment section. This is a manifestation of a number of phenomena affecting social justice and climate activism spaces in 2021 - black and white thinking…