Christabel Reed | Founder & Director, EcoResolution & Advaya (she/her)

For empowering individuals to embark on the dual journey of inner and outer transformation

Christabel Reed is the co-founder and director of Advaya, Initiative Earth & EcoResolution. Her work and rest is energised by a fascination in how we heal our relationships with ourselves, each other, our environments and the cosmos. For Christabel, we cannot separate these entwined journeys if what we envision is a kind of collective transformation that goes beyond the surface.

Advaya began in 2015 when Christabel and her sister Ruby Reed wanted to explore the intersections of ecology, community, spirituality and wellbeing. Advaya is now a global platform for transformative education that serves exactly that mission. Through events, online courses and a media platform, Advaya aims to empower folks to start their journey of intertwined healing, to do inner work and outer work. Advaya is also doing the work of weaving stories of beautiful transformation, resistance, and renewal, as you’ll see from their various offerings. (Most recently, they’ve organised an online course titled “Guardians of the Forest”, focused around somatic, spiritual and practical approaches to forest care with practitioners from 30 nations across the world!) Built around the principles of radical regeneration and joyful revolution, you’ll find that their work is not only radical, in the business of changing the world, but also spiritually fulfilling, which is something that activism often lacks—we’re so busy trying to change the world that we forget about taking ourselves in the process too.

But Christabel’s work is about empowering individuals to take concrete action too. With Ruby, and notably with celebrity Cara Delevingne, she founded the education-for-action platform EcoResolution. Using the power of technology and storytelling they explore culture, ecology and action and unpick the relationship between the individual, collective and systemic change. This is a mainstream platform that leverages celebrity platforms, partnerships and storytelling to access the ecologically disengaged and shift dystopian visions of the future in order to ignite collective imagination and show that another world is possible. 

In 2020, the two of them went on to establish the charity Initiative Earth that empowers and enables individuals and communities to take action to support environmental restoration and regeneration. Their mission is ambitious: they want to co-create a world that thrives through happier and healthier cultures globally. The method, however, is simple: to ignite imaginations through practical education to restore ecosystems, revitalise communities and regenerate local economies. 

In line with her personal mission, of course, Christabel also maintains a commitment and passion for meditation and yoga, having completed a Masters in the Traditions of Yoga & Meditation, and a four-year Yoga Therapy training. Her 1-on-1 work with clients is the microcosm to the more macrocosm work of EcoResolution, Initiative Earth and Advaya. 

Personal Website | Advaya | MyEcoResolution | Initiative Earth