Alexandre Tsuk | Founder, RefillMyBottle & BGreener (he/him)

For empowering people to make a difference, from inside to out, and refilling instead of consuming

Alexandre Tsuk is guided by a desire to motivate others to make a positive difference in the world. He believes that if we improve our relationship with ourselves, we can advance in the world, have stronger relationships with others, and with the earth. Following a long career in hospitality, Alex founded BGreener, an Indonesian group of 160 business changemakers: a community of people who help each other develop and expand their businesses, and solve issues, guided by a desire to make a positive impact in local and global communities. 

BGreener is the unseen force behind tourism businesses’ efforts to address social and environmental issues in communities, given the negative impacts tourism has had and can have on communities and ecosystems around the world. This group, however, is out to change that, to equip each other with realistic and viable solutions to problems that come up in the industry. Not only is BGreener a group of changemakers, BGreener also functions at a platform for tourists to find out places that are more sustainable in Indonesia. Want to travel better, more ethically, and more sustainably? Stay at a BGreener property, eat at a BGreener restaurant, shop at a BGreener outlet, or use a BGreener service agency, and you’ll be giving back in ways that you won’t expect.

Alex’s efforts to improve the tourism industry don’t stop there: he’s also founded Refill My Bottle, an app that lists places around the world where people can refill their water bottles. With Refill My Bottle, he’s created and empowered a community of more conscious tourists and residents who care about the environment, and business owners who are concerned about plastic waste. With a simple app, Alex has provided a convenient alternative to purchasing bottled water, thus reducing the amount of unnecessary single-use plastic bottles in the world. 

Beyond his work in the tourism industry, Alex also works on, as his personal mission dictates, himself, and his relationship with himself. Alex is a heartfulness coach, leading online breathwork and ice bathing instructor training. Through “Breathing Cold”, Alex reveals the strategies that helped him overcome depression, self-doubt, exhaustion, anxiety, and terror over the years. He’s now on a quest to support people by teaching them cutting-edge strategies that will help them live their lives to the fullest.

BGreener | Refill My Bottle